2 Benefits Seniors Are Entitled To But Often Forget To Claim
by Jeffrey WilsonFebruary, 2025
In today's world, it's important to be aware of the legal and financial options available for seniors who have been wrongfully injured and need to make a claim. Time is of the essence, and it's crucial for seniors to take action while these opportunities are still available.
Our website is dedicated to helping seniors navigate this process and we provide information on the top known ways seniors can take action against companies that have caused them harm. Don't wait any longer, explore our site now and learn how you can protect your rights and seek the compensation you deserve!
For decades, the older herbicide “paraquat” has been used to protect crops on farms throughout the nation. Unfortunately, due to the potency of the formula, people who live close to agricultural areas in which paraquat was used have the potential to suffer due to their exposure. Numerous studies have also shown that this herbicide may be linked to Parkinson’s disease as well as kidney disease and kidney failure.
If you or a loved one was routinely exposed to paraquat and have developed Parkinson’s disease, kidney disease, or kidney failure, then you may be entitled to significant financial compensation. Whether you directly applied paraquat or have lived near a farm that potentially used paraquat, ACT Right NOW!
URGENT: Have you or a loved one been exposed to paraquat? Submit a Free Case Review and See If You Qualify For Compensation! If you're not already represented by a lawyer, you must act now! See how much you're owed>>
With nearly 6,000 complaints, companies like Uber & Lyft are expecting that number to drastically increase as the number of rides continues to increase as well. Between 2017 and 2018, Uber received 5,981 complaints detailing incidents of sexual assault and Harassment.
Due to a lax hiring process, deceptive marketing practices, and negligence, companies such as Uber and Lyft will no longer avoid liability for the thousands of physical and sexual assaults occurring under their car roofs. If this happened to you, know that you’re not alone, and you may be entitled to significant compensation.
URGENT: Have you or a loved one been assaulted by these companies? Submit a Free Case Review and See If You Qualify For Compensation! If you're not already represented by a lawyer, you must act now! See how much you're owed>>